Do you have a story to share about your experience with addiction or incarceration?

Your story can save someone else.

“The social justice issue particularly important to me is criminal justice reform. For me, this social justice issue is important to me because I am a survivor of the criminal justice system. I am a passionate believer that reentry should begin on day one of incarceration. Substance misuse is a mental health issue and not a moral issue. I know that substance use disorder does not discriminate. I am a person in long-term recovery and 100% of my charges were drug-related.  The United States is losing to the war on drugs. In 2011, the Kentucky General Assembly passed a bill that promised to shrink the state's prison population. The bill expanded access to treatment programs instead of incarceration. My sentence began in 2013, I was never offered treatment for my drug offenses. These reforms failed to reduce incarceration because prosecutors and judges retained discretion to charge and imprison people. Substance Use Disorder is a mental health condition, not a criminal issue. If we get down to the causes and conditions as to why folks are breaking the law, then we as a society can treat the underlying issue by getting individuals help for their mental health disorders. By treating the individual we can not only reduce prison population, we can reduce recidivism. It's been 7 years since my last incarceration. Today, I am a productive member of society, and proof that treatment over incarceration works.” - Kendall

My name is Levi Lyons, and I am a child of God. My journey through recovery has transformed my life in profound ways. After spending over 20 years battling addiction, which led to jail time and multiple rehab stints, I reached a pivotal moment in 2018. Faced with the choice to surrender or die, I chose surrender, and by the grace of God, my life was forever changed. My sobriety date is 9/21/2020. Today, I am a Peer Support Specialist at River Valley Men’s Facility, where I work closely with clients, sharing my experiences and helping them build their own paths to recovery. Service work is a cornerstone of my recovery, with unity and faith holding everything together. Through my involvement in the Celebrate Recovery, The Chad Lake Foundation, & the Leaders of Vital Experience (LOVE) support group, where I serve as an advocate and chairperson, I have found a purpose that goes beyond my own healing. God has blessed me with a life I could never have imagined, allowing me to serve my community while deepening my faith. My story is a testament to the power of God’s grace and the strength found in recovery. I am living proof that change is possible, and I am committed to helping others discover the same hope and transformation.

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